Welcome to our blog. We completed our Silk Road journey in June 2019 and are now planning a new adventure to Georgia in April 2022, after the international interlude, that was Covid. We were fortunate enough to escape untouched - to date. We hope that you too enjoy planning your own big journeys and find some inspiration here. However, we also welcome those who just enjoy reading about these adventures, but at this point, plan to enjoy them from the comfort of home. Either way, we very much hope our tales are informative and which include the reality of everyday life on the road.
171017 Jim and Sonia Trip Jims copy
We intend to track our actual route using a Maps Me app on a tablet which has GPS. It should then show where we have actually gone, against the planned route. We can also drop a bookmark each evening. We can then take a screen shot and upload the progress made into this blog. The route has been planned in Google Maps and the file was exported as a .kml file. The file was saved into the Samsung Galaxy S2, where the Maps Me app had been installed. It is then possible to upload the .kml file from the tablet into Maps Me. It appears in Maps as a bookmark set with the given file name.
The test set below, should be a mirror of the map above, showing the Maps Me bookmark version.
As we travel, it should be possible to download the free maps into maps me. Then more detail should be available on the screenshot. We will see!
We are using a Garmin Inreach tracker which gives up to the minute information about our route and location. The location is pinged through to the following address every 10 minutes. You should be able to see where we are and also where we have been. The plan is to have it on whilst we are driving. Click on the following link and it will take you through to our current location and show where we have actually been: